Dental holiday

What does a Dental Holiday in Croatia look like?

Dental Tourism is on the up. People travel to another country, have a fantastic holiday and visit a dentist in-between their travel plans. Dental services in Croatia can cost up to 70% less than elsewhere in Europe, Australia, America and your home country. Despite this attractive price, the standards of Croatian dentistry are equal to…

Healthy teeth, healthy smile?

Your smile is one of your best assets, so, of course, you want to keep it sparkling. But even if you brush, use white strips, and visit your dentist twice a year, it may not be enough. Here are some factors that can wreak havoc on your teeth and gums, and put a serious damper…

Tooth brush / četkica za zube

Beyond tooth decay: why good dental hygiene is important

Most of us are aware that poor dental hygiene can lead to tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath – but not brushing your teeth could also have consequences for more serious illnesses. In 2010, researchers from New York University (NYU) concluded that there is a link between gum inflammation and Alzheimer’s disease, after reviewing…